viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

why did you choose this career/study programe

As a child my dream was to be fisherman because looked at the people from my town arrive with the collect from the sea and for me was to looked superhero, i also wanted to have a restaurant and be a chef. After in the middle education did dont know what to study, was interested engineering commercial, anthropology, among others careers. but public administration saw that i had aspects that i liked from others careers and this interested me and so i  opted for this discipline. so far my experience was good since i meet great people and good friends. my ambitions are to work in the ministery education to help in higher cuality and accessibility for people who are in the country.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Benja, I find very interesting that you wanted to be a fisherman when you were litlle, it's a very beautiful and risky job. I hope you are safe and sound, I invite you to read my post:)

  2. If your childhood dreams come back, talk to me... to go to your restaurant to eat...


some reflections

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