domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

Your favorite book

I have never had a favorite author of books, only read when the monthly language tests were held at the secondary education and the truth was that it was never going well for me because the teacher did not like me, however there was one of those books that really called me attention and the truth i quite enjoyed which was Bram Stocker "Dracula". this novel always kept me very tense as the chapters progressed and i just wanted Van Helsing and Jhonatan to decipher dracula´s plans to finally catch him and end his evilness over other people once and for all. Just imagining it gave me some fear and suspense. I think that feeling is something that they have not been able to adapt to the film since reading the story in the book for me was a totally different experience. Well, finally, in the exam about the book, it went badly like in the others books jaja, but i am left with the great feeling that i read a work that generated grat emotions and that is something that rarely happened to me when reading novels. I hope that if you have the opportunity to read it, do it as i assure you that you will not regret it.

5 comentarios:

  1. Dracula is a great novel to read in free time!!

  2. I love that books make you feel all kinds o emotions, I hope that when you read another one it will make you feel some good emotion and of your liking....
    pd: that a bad vibe your teacher...

  3. It was boring reading the books of the month at school >.<

  4. Jujujuju Dracula is a classic book! I love it

  5. It's really funny to me that your school teacher is MY AUNT jajajaja, even if you hate her, I love you just the same <3


some reflections

One of the few things that i liked about this semester has been being able to have more time to help my mom with the household chores and we...