domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

Your favorite book

I have never had a favorite author of books, only read when the monthly language tests were held at the secondary education and the truth was that it was never going well for me because the teacher did not like me, however there was one of those books that really called me attention and the truth i quite enjoyed which was Bram Stocker "Dracula". this novel always kept me very tense as the chapters progressed and i just wanted Van Helsing and Jhonatan to decipher dracula´s plans to finally catch him and end his evilness over other people once and for all. Just imagining it gave me some fear and suspense. I think that feeling is something that they have not been able to adapt to the film since reading the story in the book for me was a totally different experience. Well, finally, in the exam about the book, it went badly like in the others books jaja, but i am left with the great feeling that i read a work that generated grat emotions and that is something that rarely happened to me when reading novels. I hope that if you have the opportunity to read it, do it as i assure you that you will not regret it.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

a subject you´ve enjoyed studying this semester

The subject that i enjoyed the most during my time in my career has been the evolution and complexity of public administration, since in this we were taught much of how the different ways of studying how society work and the changes that are they acquired to improve the public siystem, this from the different schools of thought and theories. In addition and the most important thing in this couses was to obtain the experience of learning and service where a community society is helped, which is the first experience before the practice of what it is to be a public administrator, it tests ou empathy and solidarity towards the groups that the state has left aside, always having to help them from a perspective and thinking what we would do as next state workers to meet their demands. Much a my colleagues from higher years commented that this subject would define whether we liked the career or not and in my case it made me much more interesed in continuing to create solutions for people in their time of need

domingo, 5 de julio de 2020

my bucket list

I have never listed the things that i would like to do in my life and i believe that with the exercise it will serve as a guide for me in the to have meet about what i really want , so i start.

1) learn to play the guitar
2) win a fútbol championship
3) visit Europe, or the countries that you can
4) watch a live AC milan match
5) finish the career, very important
6) greatly help the society
7) give my dad the car he has always liked
8) reunite mi mother with my grandmother and her family
9) have my own home without straying too far from my family
10) live with a girlfriend since i don´t want to be alone always
11) i have never thought about it well but i would like to have children or those who have to come
12) have a boat and go fishing with my song
13)already in my old age i would like to live in Los Vilos
14) good and always feel that i have enjoyed my live u,u
some of these things are more complicated than others but if they are not achieved i entrust them to my children jaja

some reflections

One of the few things that i liked about this semester has been being able to have more time to help my mom with the household chores and we...